English Grammar - Tenses In Simple, Continuous, and Perfect Forms

Postingan kali ini saya sajikan beberapa tenses mulai dari Simple Forms (Simple Present, Past, and Future Tense); Continuous/ Progressive Forms (Present, Past, and Future Continuous Tense); serta Perfect Forms (Present, Past, and Future Perfect Tense).

Dalam rangkuman ini, tiap tenses tersaji lengkap mulai dari pola kalimat (positive, negative, and interrogative), fungsi dan beberapa contoh kalimatnya. Setelah memahami tenses yang diberikan, disini juga tersedia latihan soal untuk mengukur kemampuan anda.

Berikut link downloadnya:
1. Tenses In Simple Forms (Simple Present, Past, and Future Tense).
2. Tenses In Continuous/ Progressive Forms (Present, Past, and Future Continuous Tense).
3. Tenses In Perfect Forms (Present, Past, and Future Perfect Tense).

Penulis menerima kritik, saran, masukan, atau request materi ajar....so monggo komentar =)


  1. Kalau bisa lebih detail loh. Jelaskan rinciannya juga.

  2. monggo didownload dl materiny...sdah teramat detail n its understandable,... d(^_^


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